The Rolf Prima Tri at the Grove was the first triathlon I have been able to do this season. And it was a great one! So many fun things going on with people on my Pure Endurance team! I love being a part of such a great, supportive bunch of people. We have fun working out together and we have fun racing together.
Joe and I headed down to the Cottage Grove Reservoir on Thursday with the trailer. It was nice to have all the prep done, the trailer loaded and just be able to go!
Our site wasn't on the lake this year and that was a bit of a bummer. I didn't remember to get reservations soon enough and there weren't a lot of options left when I finally did. Last year we had complete shade and we were right by the lake. So even though it was hot, we had a cool breeze off the lake and the trailer never got uncomfortable.
This year we had shade part of the day and a breeze part of the day. The trailer gets hot in a hurry in those conditions. This campground is dry camping so there is no chance to run the air conditioning and cool off for a bit. So our happy place was not as cozy as it has been on other trips.
Friday we headed to the Axe and Fiddle Public House for Packet Pick-up. We got there a little early and ran into one of our teammates, Kelli, who joined us for a bit until we could get our packets. We got our packets, ordered some dinner and enjoyed people watching. While we were sitting there a young lady came over and asked if she could join us and ask us questions about triathlons. Turns out she was doing her first triathlon and she somehow thought we could help her out. lol We seem to attract people like that. Her name was Amelia and she was a lovely person and we had fun chit chatting with her and answering her questions. We enjoyed our dinner, harassed some of the Best in the West Posse and then headed back to our trailer.
Our very hot trailer. We had every window in the trailer open and left both doors open all night.
Saturday was race day. Joe and I had both signed up for the sprint triathlon. But I need to back track just a little.
The week before our Pure Endurance team had done an open water swim at the Cottage Grove Reservoir and then biked the Olympic course. A couple of our teammates had never done a race with an open water swim so they were working on getting more comfortable swimming in a lake. While we were swimming I was talking to my teammate Kari. She had a lot of worries about the open water swim part of a triathlon. She doesn't feel confident in her swimming (although she is doing awesome) and was really worried about ever being able to participate in a race situation. At one point she ended up swimming right at my feet and drafting me and coach got really excited because she did really well when she had me to follow. We did that a few more times where I took it down a tiny bit and tried to keep an eye on Kari and every time she swam farther before she had to stop. It was awesome. We were floating in the water and talking with coach about the swim and I had a thought. I asked Kari if she was doing Tri at the Grove the next week because I would totally do the swim with her just like we were doing for the practice. I told her I had absolutely no goal other than finishing since my training has been either non-existent or inconsistent. So why not help her get through her first race with someone keeping an eye on her and just being a support if something didn't go quite right. She hadn't planned on doing the triathlon but I encouraged her to sign up and give it a shot. We would have so much fun!
That's me! Looks so official. 😀 |
Best in the West Events are the Best!! |
I was also really excited to be racing with Kathryn. We met last year at Pure Endurance Training Camp and hit it off immediately. We have had several adventures over the past year and she actually got a job in Oregon and moved to Corvallis in May! So now we get to see each other more and she has the whole team to work out and have adventures with. SO COOL!!!
One of our newest teammates, Kelli, was going to be doing her first triathlon with us and that was fun as well. She is the sweetest person and it has been an absolute joy having her around. I don't think more positivity could be crammed into one person!
Coach's son Logan was going to be racing in his first sprint triathlon. Logan is going into 6th grade and is just the neatest kiddo. He's a fun part of our team and it's fun to see how much he has grown up the last few years.
Cathy was doing the Olympic distance but due to lots of things out of her control she arrived later than she would have liked. But with a team effort we got her all situated and ready to roll in time. There is more to that story but I think it will stay in the Pure Endurance vault. lol
Glad he tolerates my selfies. lol Love my guy. 💜 |
Me and my swimming partner! |
We cheered for Cathy starting the Olympic and then the rest of us got ready for the sprint which would start about an hour later.
Kari and I warmed up in the water for a bit and talked about where we should start and how to stay together. She was a little nervous but was still smiling so I knew she would be great.
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Talking strategy |
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Lisa and the newbies! Kari and Kelli |
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Kathryn ready to roll. |
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Here we go. |
We didn't stop the rest of the swim!! Kari did awesome! Seriously, I don't know who had the bigger smile when we came out of the water. I was (and still am) so very proud of her!
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Smiles for Miles! |
I slowed down about a mile in to check on a young girl that had stopped. She had thrown a chain but said to keep going. I told her I would let the radio people know the next time I saw any. I felt bad, they were another five miles down the road. I did tell them but hopefully she got help long before that. I wish I had stopped.
I was on the far side of the lake finishing up the last few miles when I saw another person stopped on the side of the road. I asked if she was okay and she said she had a flat and asked if I had any tools. I stopped to help her out. Turns out it was Amelia, the young woman that had joined us for dinner the night before to ask about triathlons. She said she was learning A LOT in her first triathlon!
Unfortunately, none of my gear worked for her bike and she didn't have any tools of her own. My hand pump didn't even work to pump up her tire a little bit. She sent me on my way and said she would do the best she could. I felt bad leaving her but she insisted. I told the next radio people I saw, which was quicker than the last time.
I finished up the bike ride and switched into my running shoes.
This is the part of the race where I knew the lack of training was going to be the most obvious. I had to remind myself of a few things several times as I made my way down the road.
First, I knew going in that I was not going to have an epic race and bust out personal records.
Second, I had made the decision when I signed up for the race, in spite of not being 100% ready, that I was going to be happy with being able to finish. No matter how long it took me to get it done.
Easy to know ahead of time.
Not as easy to swallow when it is the day of.
Didn't help that Amelia, who had the flat, pushed her bike the last mile and half and then passed me at the turn around for the run. Talk about disheartening! I was happy that she stuck it out and finished her first triathlon.
But one of the things I really really don't want to be is the person who brings everyone around them down because things are going quite right.
Or only focusing on all the parts that I didn't do our couldn't do and not seeing the things I did accomplish.
So I pretty much walked the entire 5k but was able to keep the pace at a pretty steady quick walk.
I was able to see Kari, Kathryn and Cathy finishing their runs and give them all high fives. I loved that!!
When I got close to the 3 mile sign I started running. Well, it was actually a really slow trot. But I don't finish races walking so I sucked it up and ran to the finish. My whole team was there cheering me across the finish.
One advantage of being last, everyone is there to cheer for you at the end. That was pretty fun.
Kelli, Cathy, Kari and Joe all placed in their age group and Logan won his age group! Pure Endurance had a most excellent day!!
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Kelli finishing the run, more smiles! |
We made this sign for Kelli and Jon held it up for us. 😀 |
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Cathy kicking some triathlon butt. |
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I made it! |
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I love having these ladies on our team! They rock! |
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Kelli on the podium, far right. |
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Cathy on the podium, far right. |
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Logan's podium picture, he's in the middle! 😀 |
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Joe on the podium on the left. lol |
But I have some work to do.
Both mentally and physically.
This is where it gets hard because I'm very aware that I'm stuck in the loop in my head.
The one that looks in the mirror or sees pictures and sees that I'm the fat girl....again. Then I get sad that I am here again and so I don't feel like doing anything. So I don't workout. Instead I eat. Both of which just keep me in the place I'm in or make the situation worse.
The worst part is that I KNOW IT and I LET IT HAPPEN ANYWAY!!!!
Joe and I will be signing up for events at Best in the West in September.
Working on deciding what my goals for that will be.
Tri at the Grove helped me remember two things that will help with whatever goals I come up with for the next race.
Doing events is fun.
I really am capable of doing these things. I need to remember that.
Thanks to some amazing people:
Joe-This last year has been hard for me and you have done nothing but love on the hot mess that is your wife. Thanks for being my rock. Can't imagine doing this life without you. I love you!💜💜💜💜
Coach-I know it must be frustrating for you to make up workouts and see them not being done. But you have not given up on me and that means more than you can know.
Pure Endurance Teammates-Wow! What an amazing group of athletes! Not just the ones that raced on Saturday, but the whole team. The friendships I have gained from being a part of the team are so special and mean more to me than you can possibly know.
Best in the West-As always, a great day was put together but an exceptionally great group of people. The race was fun, the pictures are great and the smiles you all have for everyone (and the patience) are appreciated. Thank you for making the people who don't make the podium feel as special as the ones that do.
If you are interested in participating in the Best in the West weekend check out their website. They seriously have something for everyone, all ages. If you don't do triathlons they also have running events. AND if you volunteer you can camp out at the park. Joe and I will be there all weekend. Come play with us!
Also thank you to Jon, Ron Krof and Best in the West for the pictures. 😀
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