Sunday, March 24, 2013

Go, Go, Go!!!

It has been a busy week.  And when I say busy I actually mean crazy busy!

Monday:  This was the day after the Shamrock Run and I was still smiling a mile wide over how well it went.  I was supposed to run 4 miles and the sun was out so I was excited to go.  I ran the first two miles pretty well but then I started getting this weird twinge in my leg behind my knee.  It kind of felt like my leg was giving out and I would take a weird step to recover and then it would be gone.  After the third time that happened I decided to walk.  It felt like if I wasn't careful I could really hurt myself.  I walked about half a mile and then tried running and it happened again almost immediately.  I decided at that point to just walk the rest of the way home.  On Sunday I had listened to my mind and pushed my body.  On Monday I decided I should listen to my body.  :-)

Because we were planning on leaving on vacation on Saturday and I had a 12 hour work day on Thursday with parent/teacher conferences I made some changes to my training plan in order to try and get it all done anyway.

Tuesday:  Goober #2 had a choir concert and I was going to do my run after work and before the concert.  I started not feeling good after work on the drive home.  When I got home it just got worse.  I didn't run and I skipped the concert.  I was really upset about missing the concert.  Well, later I was really upset.  At the time all I wanted was for my stomach contents to settle down.  I ended up getting sick and then going to bed at 7:30.  So no run, no concert and no preparing for the vacation.

Wednesday:  This was a prep day at work so we can get report cards ready and do lesson planning.  It's also a flex day so we can work at home too as long as we get our stuff done.  I got up at the normal time and went and did my swim.  I was still a little tired and weak from feeling sick the night before but I didn't feel like I was going to throw up so that was a big improvement.  The swim was good.  I feel like I am getting better at it all the time.  Again, better for me.  My kids could totally kick my butt!  lol  I cleaned up and headed to work and finished up my grading for report cards.  That was done early since I was mostly caught up so I got a lot of planning done.  It's amazing how much you can get done when it's quiet.  Although I have learned to close my door and keep most of my lights off.  If people know I'm there they come visiting.  Which I love but then I spend my whole day talking and really don't get anything done.  (I talk a lot, imagine that!)

After work I went to the high school track in Lebanon to do an interval work out.  This time I was supposed to jog a 1/2 mile, sprint for 3 minutes, 6 times with a 5 minute jog in-between and then finish up with a 1/2 mile jog.  I did the sprints but walked in between.  There was a big storm moving through that day and while I had avoided the torrential downpour that had been happening all morning it was still cold and really windy.  Going west on the track was great but when I turned the corner and came back east I felt like I could try and fall and the wind would have held me up.  It was really hard to get all six times done.  I wanted to quit so many times.  On interval #4 it started to rain and hail.  And then the high school kids started showing up.  Nothing like having a bunch of high school kids sitting in the bleachers trying to stay dry and warm watching the funny lady on the track to make you feel confident. lol

It was a long day but I got two workouts in and all my report cards done so I was happy!  Plus my classroom was all cleaned up and ready for conferences the next day.

Thursday:  No workout!  Parent/Teacher conferences ALL day long.  Not a great turn out.  None of the parents that I had called and asked them to come in showed up.  That was a bummer.  :-(

Friday:  I only had conferences until noon.  I ended up going until 12:30 because, wouldn't you know it, a parent showed up at 12:10 when I was just finishing up putting everything away and wanted to know if I could still talk.  Of course I said yes. lol

A bunch of people from work were going to "Choir Practice" and wanted me to go along. (Choir Practice is teacher code for having adult drinks.)  I really wanted to go but I had so much to do that I had to take a rain check.

I ran a bunch of errands that I needed to get done before we left on our trip and didn't get home until almost 3:00 p.m.  I needed to get my long run in which was supposed to be 10 miles.  I finally got my stuff on and headed out around 3:30.







There were only two things good about this run.  The first was that it didn't rain on me.  It had poured down rain earlier when I was running errands and I was sure it was going to do it while I was running but it didn't.  The other accomplishment was that I was able to jog the whole thing.  It was a struggle!  I was slow and just had no energy at all from start to finish.  I was ready to quit at mile 2.  That's not good when you still have 8 miles to go.  I did two things very wrong before my run.  I didn't a good lunch and I didn't drink enough water during the day.  I didn't fuel my body like I needed to and I paid the price.  I know better but in the busyness that is my life I didn't do what I needed to do.  Lesson learned and I don't plan to repeat the lesson!  I'm used to doing my long runs on Saturday or Sunday where I can sleep in, eat a good breakfast and take my time getting ready.  Now I know that when I have to do long runs during the week after work I need to make sure I am properly hydrated and fueled.

Now for some fun info.  I was playing around with my Nike info and looking at different information about my runs.  I found a way to look at my information for the entire year last year and then this year.  Wow!  A bit of a difference between 2012 and 2013!

I will have to look at this information any time I am frustrated and feeling like I'm not making progress.

Another positive note that balances out the disaster and frustration of swimsuits last week.  I decided to make sure I only brought shorts that actually fit on our trip.  I didn't want to be upset while on vacation about my clothes.  Happy dance!  Everything fit great or was too big!  I am sitting in a hotel in California right now wearing a pair of shorts that were just a smidge too tight last summer.  I have to keep hitching them up cause now they are just a smidge too big.  Oh darn!!

I'll be running this week while we are in Palm Desert.  It will be different to be running in the sunshine and heat.  I will have to suffer through it.  :-)  After last weeks wind, rain, and hail I am ready for the sunshine.  :-)

Have a great weekend!  Keep moving!


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