This weekend I was at Detroit Lake camping. However, I still had workouts to do to get ready for my next triathlon in a week. So when we packed I was making sure I had all my bike, running and open water swim gear in the truck so that I could get it all done. Still kind of makes me stop and take a minute when I realize that I'm worried about getting all my workouts done instead of looking at a weekend like this as an excuse to slack off.
I did my 35 minute run first thing in the morning with the pup. This way I didn't have to think about it after work or when we got to the lake. Bailey was excited to go with me before work. I loved that the temperature was not too cold and there was no wind. It was ideal running conditions for me. Having the dog along made me feel a bit better since I wasn't totally alone. :-)
After work I finished packing the food and my clothes for the weekend and then Joe and I took off for the lake. When we got there we unpacked the truck and got to work on getting our campsite set up. We got a lot done but there was still a lot to do.
The next morning we slept in a bit which was nice. After breakfast I drove Joe into Detroit so that he could get started on his long bike ride. He needed to do about 3.5-4 hours so he was going to do an out an back on the highway that went towards Estacada. I headed back to camp to get my brick done. I had a 45 minute bike ride that was to be followed immediately by a 25 minute run.
Brick, Part I. Bike Ride. |
Brick, Part II, Run. |
I figured all the hills would be good practise for the Oregon Dunes Triathlon next weekend. I headed out on the bike. I had to ride up the hill to the camp gate. Then it was a 2.5 mile ride down hill. You know what that means? Yep, 2.5 miles back uphill. :-) Did way better than I thought I would. Had more time to ride so I headed the opposite direction from the camp gate and turned around at the Cove Creek State Campground and headed back again. Got back to the camp gate and still had about 5 minutes left in my ride so I rode all the way down to the lodge by the lake and then turn and came back up the hill toward our campsite. That last little bit was the steepest hill yet. I had to work hard on that part. But you know what? I got it done. Probably wasn't pretty but I didn't have to get off my bike and walk so I was pretty happy about that.
I got off the bike and got ready for my run. I headed back up the hill toward the gate again. I figure hill work will just make me stronger, right? My legs always feel funny and slow right off the bike but I did pretty good overall so I was happy.
View of the road from the camp gate. |
Then it was time to go back to Detroit to pick up Joe. We had decided that we would meet in Detroit at 1:00 p.m. and if he wasn't there I would head up the road until I found him. Almost at exactly 1:00 p.m. he showed up. I had gotten there a little bit early so it worked out well. When I got out of the truck to help him with his bike and stuff we could smell the fried chicken from the market across the street. OMG! It smelled so good! So I went across the street and got us some chicken and drinks. We stood outside the truck and just chowed it down! It hit the spot!
When we got back to camp it was time for me to do my open water swim. I got all ready and we headed down to the docks. Joe spent the 30 minutes I was swimming doing some stretching to work out the kinks from his bike ride. My Garmin wasn't tracking my distance like it was supposed to which was a little frustrating.
The water was SO cold. It took me awhile to adjust and be able to think about swimming instead of how it hurt my face. There was a lot of wake from boats so I got some good practise on dealing with that. Basically I just took breaths from the opposite side that the waves were hitting me. There was a lot of stopping and thinking about how to handle the conditions but overall it was a good swim. It took me about 5/10 minutes to find my stride and get over how cold the water was. Then I was able to work on sighting and keeping my stroke steady. I know that I have taken every opportunity possible to get ready for the tri next week so all I can do next Saturday is my best.
After my swim I changed into warm clothes and we headed back to camp. Our good friends Josh and Wendie were driving up to have dinner with us. It was so nice to have some time with them, it's been quite a few months and we have been missing them! Lots of talking, walking and laughter.
Sitting at camp, looking up. So beautiful! |
View of the lake from the west end of the docks. So beautiful! I never get tired of coming here! |
Joe went home with Josh and Wendie because he had to work the next day. It wasn't long after they left and I was tucked into the tent and ready for bed. I was a wee bit tired!
This morning I got up around 8:00 a.m. which is some serious sleeping in for me! I got up and was deciding how I should spend my day. Another couple at our campground had done a hike the day before and I had asked Joe about it. He showed me the trail head when we came back from his bike ride. It's about one mile from our camp gate. I had decided to do it myself since I needed a hike on Sunday.
When I first work up I had a lot of really good reasons not to go. I was really tired. I had done a lot the day before. I had earned a day off. Not only had I worked out but I had spent most of the time between working out to get camp cleaned up and set up. I deserved a day to just sit.
But the weather was amazing! Blue skies and sunshine. Some camp friends had gone the day before and said that the view of Mt. Jefferson was amazing. How could I waste the amazing weather and miss out on that kind of view? I couldn't.
I decided to go sooner rather than later. After all, it was going to get hotter so I figured I better get at it. I told my camping neighbor where I was going and if he didn't see me later in the day that maybe he should send out a search party. :-) It's always good to have someone you know be aware of where you are going in case something goes wrong.
When I parked at the trail head I was the only car. It was just after 9:00 a.m. and I figured I beat the crowds by a lot. I headed up the trail. I wasn't in a hurry. This hike was just for fun. I didn't try and go fast and I stopped often to take pictures of the forest and the wildflowers. What a beautiful hike!!
Sometimes it is nice to just go enjoy the journey instead of worrying about how far, how fast or any of the other things that get in the way of appreciating the moment.
Just past Cove Creek Campground on the far side of Detroit Lake. |
It was a beautiful trail! |
I loved the way the sun filters through the trees! |
I love seeing the new growth on the trees. |
The ferns that are so much a part of the Oregon forest getting ready to get bigger! |
First glimpse of Detroit Lake below. |
Beautiful wildflowers all along the trail. |
Loved it when I got to an Old Growth section of the trail. |
Almost to the top! |
I especially loved the part of the trail that went through the Old Growth trees. It got dense and dark and was amazing!!
When I got to the top I had to climb up a rocky hillside. There used to be an old fire watch tower there so it is a flat spot with foundation stones for the tower that isn't there anymore. I could see Detroit Lake and Mt. Jefferson.
Mt. Jefferson in the distance and the Santiam River going into Detroit lake in the foreground. |
Mt. Jefferson. |
Detroit Lake. Nice view of the island. |
Loved watching the clouds move along and around the peak of Mt. Jefferson. I watched for about 20 minutes. |
It. Was. Amazing!!!!
I sat on the top of that hill and just watched the clouds move over the top of the mountain for a good twenty minutes!
God's creation is amazing and absolutely nothing compares!!
I feel grateful that I am able to physically manage hikes like this and see views that remind me that I'm part of an amazing world!
I decided it was time to head back. It took some butt scooting to get back down the rocks but I made it work and didn't fall or hurt myself. :-)
As I worked my way down the trail I started to see people. I passed people the entire way down the trail. I definitely made a good choice in going early! When I made it to the parking lot it was full and people were parking along the road in order to go on this hike, The beautiful weather probably motivated people to get going. I'm just glad that I had got going early.
I always love how different the the trail looks going back then it does going out. Different light and just a different view. So it's not like seeing the same thing twice. It's seeing the same thing from different perspectives. Isn't that a perfect analogy for life? You can be on the same path as someone else but can be seeing something different depending on where you are and when you are there.
Today on Facebook's On This Day feature I was treated to my very first 1/2 Marathon. The Eugene Half in 2011. This was the culmination of a year of starting my journey to a healthier me. I have looked at my time for this marathon in the last few years and have been disappointed that I didn't get under three hours. Seeing my post from that day puts it back into perspective. I started run/walking in May of 2010. I did a 5k in July, a 10k trail run in February and then a half marathon. I did a lot in one year when I was just getting started on this new healthier lifestyle. Seeing my posts from that day was a good reminder of how excited and proud of myself I was on that day. I didn't compare myself to others, I just enjoyed the accomplishment.
A reminder to be proud of what I accomplished, even if it isn't what others can/did do. |
My amazing husband took this picture. It's when I start really realizing that I DID A 1/2 MARATHON!! |
In the last five years I have gone through a lot of changes. My accomplishments have been varied, my goals have changed and I have never quit trying. I may not have gone down this path to a healthier me as fast as I would have like but I have never quit going in the right direction. There have been setbacks and frustrations but I keep picking myself up and trying again. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, three steps back but I know that in the end I'm still making progress so I keep trying.
The last four months I have done a lot of things that I didn't think were possible. There are a great many people out there that probably could have done it better. But I have learned not to compare myself to those people. (Most of the time). I know that I have done everything I can with the tools, time and energy I have. I haven't given up or taken the easier route even when I might have had a good reason too. I'm very proud of that.
Last week was especially hard as far as being tired. I just was butt dragging all week. And I'm pretty sure I was very hormonal because everything was either pissing me off or making me cry. My poor husband! On Wednesday he literally pulled me off the couch and tucked me into bed at 8:00 p.m. I was crying and saying that I really didn't want to do an Olympic Triathlon anymore. He just gave me a kiss and said that we were going to see it through until the Olympic Tri and if I didn't want to do it anymore I didn't have to, but I had to finish it first. I love my husband. He knows when to step back and when to keep pushing me (gently) so I don't quit and regret it later.
Next week is my first triathlon with an open water swim. I don't know that I'm as ready as I would like to be. But I do know that I have done everything to be as ready as I can be. I plan to go and have a great time and make lots of memories and be proud of the journey that got me there.
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