Turned out to be an amazing spring day in Oregon. I have been to the Beaver Freezer as a spectator a bunch of times to watch my husband or other friends. It's always freezing or raining, or both.
Not this year! Blue sky. Hardly any wind. Absolutely gorgeous!
After I got off work I did a 10 minute bike ride around the neighborhood. Practiced starting and stopping, you know, just to make sure I won't fall down. Then I did a quick five minute run up and down my street.
Joe had to work on Friday so I went with my daughter and picked up my packet and my shirts. Yep, I got two. One is a short sleeved Beaver Orange shirt and the other one is a long sleeved hot pink one. :-) I figured I had earned them. Then we went to the local bike shop and picked up a race belt and a nice timing chip strap.
The nice part to being married to a guy who does lots of triathlons is that I help him get organized a lot of the time. So I was pretty comfortable about knowing what I needed and what would work for most of the day.
I got tri shorts last week because I didn't want to wear a swim suit and wear it the whole time or take the time to change out of it. I decided to just wear my sports bra as my top. I tried it out at the pool earlier in the week and it worked pretty well. I was very self-conscious about having everything hanging out but I decided not to worry about it and focus on what I wanted to do in order to make the race work for me.
I went to bed around 10:00 p.m. but had a hard time falling asleep. I think I finally fell asleep before 11:00 p.m. I needed to be up by 5:30 so I could get breakfast eaten and then do all my last minute getting ready things. My eyes opened at 4:00 a.m. and I could not get back to sleep. So I finally gave up and got out of bed.
Last check of my gear.
Get dressed.
Put bike on the rack on the car.
Load up the car.
Head out to Corvallis.
Oh crap. Here we go.
I was supposed to meet Joe at the Reser Stadium parking lot at 7:15 a.m. When I pulled in I could see his truck was already there. He wasn't so I figured he was picking up his packet since I hadn't been able to get it for him the knight before. I was supposed to take a short spin on the bike and then make sure the gears were set so that I would be ready for the hill that is right at the start at the bike ride. So I rode around the stadium. Joe pulled up on his bike. He had gone down and gotten his packet and gotten his numbers put on his legs and arm already.
Sunrise from Reser Stadium |
Getting ready to go check in. |
Lots of space in transition, it's pretty early yet. |
Here's my spot. |
One of my favorite buildings on campus, Weatherford Hall. |
Our first triathlon together. |
Dixon is right next to the transition area.
Langton is not.
We went into the pool so I knew where to check in for my wave and where the warm up pool was. Then we walked outside so I could walk the route to transition. Joe suggested I put my shoes, socks, hat and towel right outside the door. This way I could dry off my feet, put on my socks and shoes and be able to run to the transition easier. I wasn't the only one that was doing that, there were lots of shoes and towels sitting around outside the door.
Then we walked the green mat all the way to transition.
The first part of the route takes us straight towards Goss Stadium, the baseball field. |
Then you run on the cement between Goss Stadium and Dixon Rec Center. Follow the cones. |
When you come around the corner you go along the side of Dixon out to the transition area. The men come out right here. |
I headed over to the pool so that I could set up my shoes and towel and then do my warm up. Warm up felt good. I was relaxed and breathing comfortably. We got lined up for check in and I asked if it would be possible to be in one of the outside lanes because my knee still hurts when I put pressure on it. The volunteers were great and made that happen so that was one less thing to worry about. We got into groups of four and pretty soon it was time to go get our timing chip scanned. My crew of friends were in the balcony cheering for me already.
Felt a little weird to be the one being cheered for instead of being up in the balcony doing the cheering.
Getting last minute instructions. I'm the big girl on the end. |
Pretty sure this was when I was still struggling with my breathing. Ugh. |
My Garmin said that I finished with a time of 12:52 which is decent. I was hoping to get under 12 minutes. I didn't go over the timing mat after the swim until after I got my shoes and socks on so my race time says I did the swim in 15:52. I didn't think of that at the time, obviously. :-)
I then made my way to the transition area. Having the shoes on did help me move right along compared to some of the ladies that were barefoot. I got to the bike area and put on my tank top and jacket. Got some water and some food and then helmet, sunglasses, gloves and I was ready. I headed to where I could get on the bike.
Getting ready for the bike. |
Heading out! |
Up the hill. :-) |
I had just gotten up the big hill after the last turnaround and was heading back to campus when I saw my husband go zipping by. He was whooping it up and made me smile. Not much later I saw my friend and co-worker Chad heading out. It was fun to see smiling faces that I knew out there. :-)
I had the funniest thing happen when I got onto campus. I was on the road that would take me back to the transition area. The runners are on the other side of the road, the bikers that are just starting out are next to them. I notice a squirrel running down the road between runners and the bikes. Everyone was laughing about the squirrel wanting to be part of the triathlon. Then it moved over and ended up running in the road straight at me! Guess it wanted to play a game of Chicken with me. I'm laughing and hoping that I'm not going hit the silly thing in front of everyone and then crash. lol All of a sudden it stops and I swear it looked like a cartoon character. The look on it's face was, "Holy Shit!" and it suddenly dove to the bushes on the side of the road. I won the game of Chicken! The spectators were cheering and laughing. It was fun to end the bike ride with laughter.
I came down the hill and got off the bike in the appropriate spot....and I didn't fall down! I walked the bike into the transition area. Probably should have been trotting but it felt good to give my legs a little time to get used to being upright again. I drank some water, got more fuel, used my inhaler (just to be safe) and headed out on the run. Started the Garmin for just a run so that I could have the info for all three parts of my day, even it it wasn't all tied together with transitions like it should have been.
Heading out for the run. |
My friends were waiting at the top of the hill and cheering me on. Perfect place for them to be. Motivated me to run up the hill each time because I didn't want them to see me walking up it. :-) Just past them was the water station. I always get a couple cups of water and walk and drink until I get to the last garbage can. Give me a chance to drink the water instead of wearing it and I have found that the short break actually helps me do better during the run. As I went around the corner my calves were starting to feel tight so I slowed down a little.
Coming up the hill. |
Coming up that hill the last time and having Joe, Faylene, Kristy, Tony and Jon all hooting and hollering for me was awesome! Pretty awesome cheering squad!!
A little farther up the road was our friend Joe and his son JJ were there cheering on some friends but definitely included me in the mix as I went by. I heard and appreciated their cheering at the transition and on each lap of the run. It was awesome to run by and see their big smiles.
I have this thing were no matter how I have done during a race I have to run well at the finish. There have been races where I have had to walk almost the whole race but I still run into the finish. I'm not going to walk in front of all those people cheering. :-)
Joe was there waiting for me as I was getting ready to turn the corner into the finish area. Love my guy and how much he believes in me. He ran along side me on the other side of the fence right to the end. That's where I got my big hug. I think that's my favorite part about doing events with Joe. We get to be proud of each other at the end.
Finish Line! |
Favorite part of an event! |
Love this man so much. |
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Joe, me, Ron, Mike and Coach Jon. All Beaver Freezer finishers. :-) |
We got last hugs and goodbyes from our friends and started making our way down to transition to pick up our gear. When we got to Reser Stadium we put our bags in the car and then went for a 15 minute ride around the parking lot. Jon had said to do that before we left campus to give our legs a bit of a shake out. If you are going to have a coach you should probably listen to what he says. I'm sure people in some of the buildings nearby thought we looked funny because we basically found a quiet corner of the parking lot and just went in circles for 15 minutes.
After race picture. |
Food, shower and then nap. Aaaahhhhhh.
The Bad:
- Struggling with the breathing during the swim. I'm going to have to work on that. I didn't use any of the things that Bri has taught me to get it under control. I could have flipped over and done backstroke for awhile. I've also could have done breathing on one side which forces me to slow the exhale down and gets me smoothed out. I didn't do that either. Had a little bit of a panic attack I think. Anxiety about wanting to do well and knowing people were watching me. Need to get over that. :-)
- Transitions were slow. I knew they would be and so I didn't let myself stress about them. I had to start somewhere. Now I know more what to expect and can work at making that better during the next to events I have coming.
- Learn to work the technology! lol Seriously!
- I will need to be stronger on the bike for sure. But I know that I'm so much farther than I was that I'll just keep working on it and making progress. It will be interesting to see where I am next by summer time.
- After we got home and had lunch I took a shower and headed to bed for a nap. Felt a little shaky so I went and checked my blood sugar and it was pretty low for me, which was weird because I had a good solid lunch, not to mention the snacks after the race. I had a banana and felt better after my nap. But my numbers continued to be low all afternoon and evening. Still low a little this morning compared to what I normally am in the morning. That's going to be something I will have to watch. I haven't been checking my numbers because I have been feeling solid, even with all the new working out. I'll have to start checking more often just to see how things are doing when it's just regular workouts and then again at the next tri and see if a pattern emerges.
- I finished in under two hours, which was my goal. Here is my final results:
- I wanted under 13 minutes for the swim (which I did get) and the good is that I was able to calm down and do better. Proud of being able to mentally reset when things were tanking in a hurry. That is not something I could have done a few years ago.
- I wanted the bike to be under an hour and I wanted my average pace on the run to be low 12 minute miles. Got both of those. :-)
- I didn't crash on the bike!!! Yay!
- I was very tired and worked very hard during the race but I'm not completed wiped out and sore. That's a big win because the first and only other time I did a tri I was a sore wreck for a couple of days. Definitely more in shape this time!
- I had the support of an amazing husband, fantastic friends and a coach that I'm loving working with. Pretty sure that I can't fail with that kind of posse behind me!
- I had fun! It was challenging and I have a lot to work on but I had a blast. Sunshine added to the fun factor for sure!
I will keep working at getting stronger and better. I will work on the other areas that didn't go well. But it was a very good day and I had a great time. Fun way to start off all these triathlons I'm signed up for.
I saw elite athletes that finished their entire tri in less than an hour! I saw really young people and really old people. I saw men and women of every age and size possible. I saw people swimming that looked like they were fighting the water and might drown if they actually put their face in the water. I saw people riding bikes that looked and sounded awful, but they were getting it done. I saw a guy walk his bike the last three or four miles because he blew out the back tire of his mountain bike. It was totally shredded. He declined offered of a ride to the transition because he was determined to finish the entire race, one way or another. I saw runners that looked like everything hurt but were still moving. I saw runners who looked like they hadn't been doing anything up until the run, fresh as can be. (Maybe they were on a relay?) I saw people fly up the hill and others walk. But you know what every single one of us had in common? We all did the Beaver Freezer Sprint Triathlon!!
A big part of my journey to being a healthier me has been learning to celebrate that I have done the race. I love celebrating what others accomplish, I have been learning to celebrate what I accomplish. I did a sprint triathlon!! It was awesome!! :-)
Next up, the Oregon Dunes Sprint Triathlon. Need to start working on riding on hills. Lots and lots of hills. ;-)
Fantastic! Love reading about the details of your events. So happy for you to have reached so many of your goals!