You never know when something you say impacts someone else. You might say something in passing or at on a whim and it directly affects how the person listening feels. Sometimes those words are discouraging and sometimes they are just what you need to get moving!
I had decided before I started my practicum that I would work really hard at trying to hike every weekend. That way, every week I would get out and move. Part of my "self care" plan to survive the 11 week internship.
Saturday was a long day. I was trying to catch up on bookwork so that we can get our taxes done. Something that I had kept putting off because of school and now there was no option but getting it done. I also got a call from someone important to me who is going through a rough time. So hard to have people you love in pain, especially when you really can't do much to help other than keep them in your prayers.
I basically had talked myself out of doing my hike on Sunday. I had to be home by noon for a webinar for my class so if I went it was going to have to be early. It was going to be raining. I was really tired and would love to be able to sleep in. None of these things were unreasonable thoughts.
Then I'm texting my sweet friend Wendie, who is on vacation in Hawaii. We chit chat back and forth for a bit and her last message is this:
That's all it took. I had told Wendie my plan for dealing with stress during the 11 weeks of practicum. She just assumes that I will make it happen. That kind of unwavering belief is very special. I kind of expect it from my husband. Getting it from a friend feels like a bonus. Being held accountable is a good thing. But the best part for me isn't that she held me accountable. It's that she didn't even realize that I was wavering. She totally knew I was going to get it done. There is no way that I could not go hike when I have that kind of support behind me.
So this morning I drove to Corvallis to meet up with Joe who was just getting off of work. I brought the dog, who was so happy to be going, even in the rain. We spent some time in the fire station laughing with the guys before Joe changed and we took off. Bailey loved getting all the attention from the guys.
We headed out to the Bald Hill parking lot off of Oak Creek. There are several short options from there or one long and steep option. Joe gave me several opportunities to pick the shorter routes. I decided to suck it up and do the longer, steeper route. He also gave me an opportunity to turn around early since I needed to be home and cleaned up for a webinar for school by noon. I said no to that as well. We did the entire seven miles. It was steep. The last time we did this hike was with our group of awesome friends. It was summer and it was hot and I really struggled with breathing. I had to stop several times to catch my breath and rest.
Love the mist through the trees. |
Joe and Bailey on Fitton Green. |
Walking in the clouds. |
This time was cooler, obviously since it was January. But that being said, I was able to keep moving at a slow and steady pace. I didn't use my inhaler, I really worked at keeping my breathing steady (which took a great deal of effort during some parts). It is about three miles of uphill and the hill is fairly steep for a lot of it. We ended up with a total of seven wet miles. The dog was a happy mess and Joe and I were cold. But I was pretty happy with how I did overall and I enjoyed spending the morning with my best friend. It was a good morning!
Last Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment in the morning to go over some things and possibly do some blood tests. I had taken the day off of work so Joe came with me and we snuck in a hike on that day too. I got two hikes with my hubby this week where I got him all to myself. Feeling a bit spoiled!
Tuesday we did the same hike that Meighan and I had done on Sunday. One of the things I love about hiking in our area is that it never looks the same! The beauty of the forest is amazing. Doesn't matter if the sun is shining, there is fog or if it is pouring down rain. It is so beautiful!
Bailey thinks she has to go sit on this bench every time we hike up to Dimple. :-) |
Bailey and Joe at the top of Dimple Hill. |
Totally different view from Sunday, but still incredibly beautiful. |
I'm down to nine weeks of my practicum. So far so good. Last week was a bit rough in places but I survived it so that is a blessing all in itself.
Looking forward to when I have the time and energy to run again on a regular basis. That day is coming and that helps me get through the rough spots.
Today as we were watching the Super Bowl and texting with friends that are near and far I realized how connected I am to some very special people. We literally are spread from coast to coast today and yet I felt like we were together. Laughing, talking, harassing each other. It made me happy....and encouraged. :-)
One of my hopes for this blog is that by being honest about the frustrations and the joys of the journey towards becoming a healthier me I will encourage someone else to keep moving forward. That I will encourage someone to not give up even when it is hard. That someone reading this blog will realize that even if they stopped for awhile, they can get back up again and keep going. Because that really is the lesson I am learning. My goal is to get healthy physically. But I think I have learned so much on this journey that I am getting healthy in my heart too. Self esteem, attitude and all those other things that are often difficult to hold onto are better every day.
Who encourages you? Have you told them lately? I will be making sure that the people that have encouraged and motivated me through the tough stuff know how very much I value them.
Life is a miracle!! |
Thank you to all that help inspire me! The list is long and filled with amazing people! |
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