I don't think this is a year that anyone is going to forget!
So many hard things about this year.
No hugs
No parties.
No celebrations.
No visits from family.
No school (and how many kids never in a million years thought that would be a downer!)
Wearing masks.
No races.
No events.
A whole lot of No.
I have a spot on my wall by the front door where I hang pictures of our adventures. I realized today that I haven't updated it for a long time. Basically since 2019. That might be because in the midst of all that has gone on it has been hard to remember that we have been able to have adventures, have smiles and show love.
So I decided to go through my pictures and get some printed up so I could change them up.
So many adventures!
So many smiles!
And so much love!
I didn't even take pictures of half of it!
So these are just for fun and to remember that in spite of all the hardships, there has been a lot of amazing along the way too.
In February, right before the pandemic hit and life went completely sideways, Joe and I took a little quick trip to Disneyland. We were invited by our son who was going with some friends. We got to see Meighan too since she is attending college down there and was close by. It was incredibly fun to see our kids and also meant a lot that our grown kids invited us to their trip because they genuinely enjoy having their parents around.
Love this kids, wish Bri could have been there too. Then it would have been perfect!
While it's a bummer way to end your freshman year of college, Meighan was able to store all her dorm stuff and get a flight home before things got even crazier! Was nice to have her home safe and sound when everything was so uncertain.
Finn and Meighan reunited!
Joe and I were able to get some hikes in and enjoy some of the local places we love. McDowell Creek is one of our favorites!
McDowell Creek |
While I was really, really missing my students I did have a few opportunities in the spring to help out with different events so I got to smile and wave to kids. Better than nothing. I never realized how much I smile when I see people until I was wearing a mask and knew they couldn't see my smile or excitement over seeing them. One of my AVID students said it was okay, she knew I was smiling because of how my eyes crinkled up.
Passing out Chromebooks at the high school. |
We did a Pure Endurance event around Bald Hill. Everyone started at different spots around the loop and did whatever distance they were supposed to for their training. So even though we didn't get to be together totally or run together, we got to pass each other and smile and wave. Which early in the pandemic was amazing!!! Human connection is SO important!!!
Bald Hill run, proof of workout. ;-) |
We snuck off to Sisters with our good friends and had some hiking adventures, lots of games and a lot of talking. So much talking and even more laughing. If nothing else, 2020 has been a good reminder of how important positive interactions with people we love is!!
The view of the Sisters never disappoints! |
Next adventure was the McKenzie Pass ride. I still can't believe I rode my bike to the top. I seriously can't wait to do it again!! We drove up there later in the summer and I was a bit astounded that I had ridden my bike up that steep, windy road!
One of my AVID students decided to do a painting for me for her art class. She wanted to do one of Finn since she helps me out with him on days I work late at school and Joe is at work. It turned out so amazing. Just another reminder of the different ways people show love. This was a whole bunch of love!!
During the quarantine Joe spent a lot of time researching kayaks and we finally bought one. It's an inflatable and we tried it out on a camping trip to Southern Oregon. The event we were supposed to participate in may have been cancelled but we still had a great time camping and getting a break from all the crazy that was going on.
Another event cancelled but we lucked out and the state parks started opening the week before this trip was scheduled. We spent the weekend in Florence. Another nice break from the crazy and the bonus was my work twin and her cutie patootie son came and had dinner with us at the campground.
Talked my good friend into dusting her bike off and working out with me towards a big ride at the end of the summer. This was one of our first adventures together on the bike. So much laughing...and a few squeals! lol
Always the addition of hiking adventures with Joe. We went up to Opal Creek. It was the first time I had been there and it was gorgeous. Couldn't go through Jawbone Flats because of the quarantine but it didn't matter. Love spending time with this guy!
Joe and Finn exploring the rocks at Opal Creek |
We had the opportunity to go white water rafting in July with some friends from work. One of my students and her family were the guides on the adventure. We had a total blast!! They made us dinner after the float and then breakfast the next morning. Usually I am the one fussing and serving everyone so it was weird to just sit and relax. Took some adjusting but I finally took a breath and relaxed.
My head is one of the round dots out in the river, did a little body surfing through the Elevators |

White River Waterfalls. So Beautiful!
In July my beautiful friend and teammate was doing her solo Ironman. Her event in Santa Rosa, CA was postponed because of the pandemic but she decided to go for it anyway. We spent the day at Foster Lake supporting her and her amazing day. Joe swam, rode and ran with Rebecca and ended up dong about a half-Ironman distance. I stayed at the transition and was basically the race coordinator. I sent people where they needed to go to help or support, sent people to get things or deliver things that were needed and basically was the biggest cheerleader all day long. It was so much fun to have all the teammates and friends come and go throughout the day. I had a complete blast and supporting doing her awesomeness was epic!!! Definitely a highlight of the summer.
In August we took one last camping adventure and made our way to Joseph, Oregon. Josh and Wendie joined us for a few days. Lots of hiking, laughing and making of great memories.
Wallowa Lake |
A few weeks later we got to drive up to McKenzie Pass and cheer our friend and coach finish his marathon that he was doing with his brother. There was an incredibly huge amount of butterfly's all over the top of the pass. They were everywhere and it was so cool to sit and just have them flying all around us while we waited for Jon and Matt to arrive.
One last camping trip before I went back to work completely. Had fun with our long time friends Dwayne and Faylene and had a blast getting to know some new people. Smiles all around!
Getting ready for my 50 mile bike ride goal (because I had turned 50 last November) we had a few longer bike rides. There was a flat tire adventure but the guys got it figured it out.
You know you are loved when a friend drops off a card that makes you cry and some goodies to keep me going through the beginning of distance learning!
In September we spent the weekend at the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove so that I could accomplish my goal of a 50 mile bike ride. I just realized that I didn't even write a blog about this epic adventure!!! Probably because my job is consuming a lot of my time right now and then the last thing I want to do when I get home is look at a computer screen, even for fun.
That being said. We rode the Banks to Vernonia trail which is an old railroad line that has been paved. It's 21 miles one way so in order to bump up the distance to make 50 miles we had to do a couple little off shoots. We had the BEST time! Stopped every 10 miles or so to take a break and have a snack. (Or rest the butt.) We laughed, we talked, we chatted with others on the trail. The fall leaves were just starting to change and it was so beautiful. The weather was a little drizzly at the start but never felt cold and by the end I had taken off my jacket and was just in short sleeves.
On the way back there was a long stretch where it is a steady low grade downhill for about five miles. Joe, Josh and Wendie let me be in the front and it was just a kick to be cruising down the path, going fast and playing bikes. Smiles for miles for sure.
I had pushed a wrong button on my watch early on so I had split my ride into half. So we were relying on Joe's watch to have the official 50 mile mark. When we were getting close to the parking lot he said we might have to stop and turn around and go back for a bit. I said if we stopped I might not get going again. So when we got to the parking lot we did a few laps around the parking lot to be sure we got to 50. The people getting ready to head out on their hike or ride were looking at us so funny! Made me giggle. Josh made sure they knew what was up and then people in the parking lot were applauding and cheering me on. Not going to lie, it was pretty fun!
I just rode 50 miles smile! |
Love that these two dusted off their bikes just so they could be part of my adventure!
This was at the start of the 50 mile bike ride. The smiles were big from start to finish! |
The very next weekend was Joe's Best in the West. We thought we were going to be able to do this event, not quite like normal but at least in person. But the smoke from many forest fires made that impossible. So instead it was a virtual race. Joe was able to go up to the lake and participate with some of the Best and the West people around cheering him on. We have missed seeing the amazing Blair and Staci all summer so at least we got a little interaction with them during the event, virtual or not.
I did my event the next week. I had signed up for the AquaBike. It was my 5th year doing an event at Best in the West so I was going to be earning my Five Year Belt Buckle!!! Talk about motivation to make sure I earned that hardware! The swim was terrible but I didn't care at all. It was so nice to swim in a lake and feel like I was doing something! The bike ride was solid and I had a lot of fun enjoying the beautiful fall day and the ride.
There was an award ceremony online a week later. It was fun to see a lot of familiar faces on the Zoom call. Big shoutout to Blair and Staci for making things fun, even when it's not the way we would have liked. Joe got second in his age group, fourth male overall and 10th place. I got first, last and everything in between as I was the only one to do the AquaBike. lol
Award Night for Best in the West
October brought another trip to Sisters and a beautiful hike along the Deschutes. More memories and laughter!
A sweet friend send me flowers and cookies just because she was thinking of me. It had been a really hard day at work and this was just the thing to put a smile on my face. Thank you Kelli!!!
There are a lot of things that are making me teary right now. My job is stressful and I really really miss seeing my students in person. The holidays are looming and knowing that they will not be normal gathering of my awesome family is hard. Especially knowing that my kids are far away and travel is difficult with the pandemic. We miss them so much and seems one thousand times harder to have them far away with all the uncertainties right now.
But if the next two months of 2020 are anything like the rest of the year so far I know that there will blessings along the way. There will be smiles and encouragements and memories being made. That is what I will be focusing on!
One last major positive about this year! The amazing guy who has had to be holed up with me through all the crazy. His encouragement during this fall while I struggle with distance learning and the efforts to connect with kids through a screen he has been amazing! Little things like sending me texts like this in the morning have made such a difference for me. Hard to go wrong when you have someone who believes in you but also holds your hand and lets you cry when it gets hard.